Welcome to the Class of 2023 Embark Capstone Colloquium!
Welcome to our digital celebration of the Class of 2023’s Embark Program Projects! The graduating students have prepared final abstracts and posters to present their amazing projects. We are so proud of all of their accomplishments, and truly look forward to seeing how they use their research skills as they Embark on their careers.
Thank you to all the mentors and co-mentors who have worked with our students on these impressive projects. We appreciate all of your time and effort!
Please join us in congratulating the Class of 2023 on such amazing work in all of their research project areas. We hope you enjoy their Embark Project Abstracts and Colloquium Poster presentations. Additionally, you will find details of the Class of 2023’s scholarly achievements related to their Embark projects and Embark Program Award Winners.
Congratulations Class of 2023!
A Message from the Dean
Dear OUWB Community,
Welcome to the Embark Capstone Colloquium digital presentation, where the Class of 2023 showcases the posters that have resulted as a culmination of four-years of their research.
It is through the Embark Program that medical students have the potential to achieve scientific or community impact with their findings as they gain an appreciation for self-directed learning. I genuinely hope this experience inspires a desire in them to continue exploring the endless research possibilities that await them as they embark on their careers as physicians.
On behalf of the students, I thank the Embark Program mentors, our basic science and clinical faculty, who dedicated time from their responsibilities to guide members of this class through the research process and to completion. I am grateful for their understanding of the program’s importance and the fundamental contribution it provides for the future of OUWB and our graduates. I truly value their commitment to our students’ success.
Proudly, I congratulate the Class of 2023 on achieving this OUWB medical school milestone.
Duane Mezwa, M.D., FACR
Stephan Sharf Dean, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 2022
Camilla Cascardo
Surveillance of Dual-Mobility Hip Systems: Damage Mode and Clinical Data Analysis
Mentor: Drew Moore; Co-Mentor: Corinn Gehrke
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 1st Runner-Up 2022
Eric James
Chief Complaint and Geriatric Depression in the Emergency Department: Assessing Risk for 30 and 90 Day Readmission
Mentor: Victoria Lucia; Co-Mentor: Joan Michelle Moccia
Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 2nd Runner-Up 2022
Sara Diltz
The Impact of Tumor Location on Cardiac Toxicity in Patients Receiving Partial Breast Irradiation
Mentor: Joshua Dilworth
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022
Mahmoud Hijazi
Vesicant infusates are not associated with ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheter failure: A secondary analysis of existing data
Mentor: Amit Bahl
Christopher Issa
Comparing Plastic Surgeon Operative Time for Deep Inferior Perforator (DIEP) Flap Breast Reconstruction: Two-Stage More Efficient than One-Stage?
Mentor: Kongkrit Chaiyasate
Flora Martz
Outbreak Risks at Religious Schools: Prevalence of Nonmedical Vaccination Exemptions Among Michigan Kindergartens
Mentor: Mark Navin
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022
George Cholack
Casual Mechanisms in Basic Science Education - Do They Aid in Recall and Application Performance
Mentor: Stefanie Attardi; Co-Mentor: Kristina Lisk
Nicholas Mielke
A Prospective Sonographic Evaluation of Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Associated Thrombophlebitis
Mentor: Amit Bahl
Han Ngo
Impact of a Structured Recording Template on the Quality of HRCT Radiology Reports for Interstitial Lung Disease
Mentor: Sayf Al-Katib
Newman Family Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022
Claire McNary
Impact of Imposter Phenomenon of Medical Learners and Clinicians: A Scoping Review
Mentor: Edward Rohn
Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022
Mallory Evans
Leadership Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review
Mentor: Misa Mi
Bilal Ali
Abstract published in the online version of American Society of Hematology abstracts site in the November 2022 issue.
Tarek Almsaddi
Presented poster at the American Muslim Medical Student Association (AMMSA) National Conference in Ann Arbor in August 2022.
Ian Armstrong
Patino G, Armstrong I, Comparing the Mutability of Clinically Significant Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Subunits. Poster Presented At: 75th Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Neurology; April 22-27, 2023. Boston, MA
Margaret Bohr
El-Zein, Z., Diamond, S., Bohr, M., Baker, E., Fleischer M., Gehrke, C., Fortin, P., Vaupel, Z. (2021, August 31). The Routine Use and Cost Analysis of Acid-Fast Bacilli and Fungal Cultures in Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Retrospective Study [Poster presented]. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons/San Diego, CA, USA.
El-Zein, Z., Diamond, S., Bohr, M., Baker, E., Fleischer M., Gehrke, C., Fortin, P., Vaupel, Z. (2021, September 25). The Routine Use and Cost Analysis of Acid-Fast Bacilli and Fungal Cultures in Foot and Ankle Surgery: A Retrospective Study [Poster presented]. Annual Meeting of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society/Charlotte, NC, USA.
Moneb Bughrara
Bughrara MS, Swanberg SM, Lucia VC, Schmitz K, Jung D, Wunderlich-Barillas T. Beyond COVID-19: The Impact of Recent Pandemics on Medical Students and their Education: A Scoping Review. The Generalists in Medical Education national conference. Nashville, TN. November 2022.
Bughrara MS, Swanberg SM, Lucia VC, Schmitz K, Jung D, Wunderlich-Barillas T. Beyond COVID-19: the impact of recent pandemics on medical students and their education: a scoping review. Med Educ Online. 2023 Dec;28(1):2139657. doi: 10.1080/10872981.2022.2139657. PMID: 36331873; PMCID: PMC9639463.
Omar Bukhsh
Patient Medication Adherence to Free Medications in Free Health Clinic Setting. Omar Bukhsh B.S., Justin Brox M.D. University of Michigan, American Medical Muslim Student Association (AMMSA), August 13 2022.
Kaylie Bullock
Kaylie A Bullock, Edward J Rohn PhD, Claire Z Kalpakjian PhD MS, Nancy D Chiaravalloti PhD. Tamara Bushnik PhD FACRM. Attitudes and self-assessment of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) clinicians in addressing reproductive health care needs for women with physical disabilities. University of Michigan 2021 Diversity in Medicine Conference (Virtual). March 6, 2021
Kaylie A Bullock, Edward J Rohn PhD, Claire Z Kalpakjian PhD MS, Nancy D Chiaravalloti PhD. Tamara Bushnik PhD FACRM. Attitudes and self-assessment of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) clinicians in addressing reproductive health care needs for women with physical disabilities. Association of Academic Physiatrist 2022 Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. May 27, 2022.
Erica Burkett
Burkett E, Mohiyeddini C. Cognitive Reappraisal and Self-Reinforcement Improve Academic Performance: The Role of Expressive Suppression as a Mediator. William Davidson Medical Education Week, 2022, Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI.
Camilla Cascardo
Cascardo C., Gehrke C., Moore D., Karadsheh M., Flierl M., Baker E. (2020, November 20). Trends in Dual Mobility Total Hip Revision Arthroplasty: A Damage Mode and Clinical Data Analysis. International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty Early Career Webinar Series/Sacramento, CA, USA.
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 2022 - Surveillance of Dual-Mobility Hip Systems: Damage Mode and Clinical Data Analysis
George Cholack
Cholack G, Lisk K, Venuti JM, Attardi SM. Is integration within anatomical sciences important? assessing medical student learning of histology and embryology via interdisciplinary causal mechanisms. FASEB J. 2020;34(S1):1-1.
Cholack G, Lisk K, Venuti JM, Attardi SM. Investigating the effect of interdisciplinary causal mechanisms on medical student learning of histology and embryology - does integration matter? 9th Annual William Davidson Medical Education Week (virtual conference); May, 2020.
Cholack G, Lisk K, Venuti JM, Attardi SM. Assessing medical student learning of histology and embryology via interdisciplinary causal mechanisms. 5th Annual Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference; March, 2020; Rochester, MI.
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. Casual Mechanisms in Basic Science Education - Do They Aid in Recall and Application Performance
Ben Collaer
The Effect of the Modified Finnegan Scoring System on the Length of Stay for Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Collaer, Benjamin; Lucia, Victoria Ph.D, and Espinosa, Martin., 08/27/2022, Resident Educational Presentation at David Grant Medical Center, David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, California.
Sara Diltz
Tumor Locations Impact on Cardiac Toxicity in Women that Received Partial Breast Irradiation, Sara Diltz1; Muayad Almahariq, Ph.D., M.D.2;Joshua Dilworth, M.D., Ph.D.3 , 5/7/21, Oakland University Graduate Research Conference, (virtual).
Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 2nd Runner-Up 2022. The Impact of Tumor Location on Cardiac Toxicity in Patients Receiving Partial Breast Irradiation
Jody Esguerra
Esguerra J, Goyal S, Leon E, Roach V, Brox J. (2022, April). Text2StayOnTrack: Improving diabetes self-management and health during COVID-19 with personalized text messages. Poster session at American College of Physicians Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Esguerra J, Goyal S, Leon E, Roach V, Brox J. (2022, March). Text2StayOnTrack: Improving diabetes self-management and health during COVID-19 with personalized text messages. Poster session presented at Wayne State Graduate Research Symposium, Virtual meeting.
Mallory Evans
James E, Evans M, Mi M. Leadership Training and Undergraduate Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Med Sci Educ. (2021). http://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-021-01308-9. Status: Published
Evans M, James E, Mi M. Another Step in Understanding Best Practices in Leadership Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review. Poster presentation at the 11th Annual William Davidson Medical Education Week, Rochester, MI. April, 2022.
Evans M, James E, Mi M. Another Step in Understanding Best Practices in Leadership Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review. Poster presentation at the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Virtual Regional Conference. March, 2022.
James E, Evans M, Mi M. Leadership Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Poster presentation at the 10th Annual William Davidson Medical Education Week, Rochester, MI. April, 2021.
Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. Leadership Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Systematic Review.
Payaum Fotovat-Ahmadi
Fotovat-Ahmadi P, Ali B, Dalal B. (2023, Feb). Evaluating the Accuracy and Quality of the Information on Pulmonary Rehabilitation Videos Shared on YouTube amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 102(4S):p A1-A234, April 2023 Published Abstract. Poster presented at 2023 AAP Annual Meeting Physiatry ’23 February 21–24, 2023.
James Gannon
Gannon J.F., Arveschoug A., & Cavinatto L.M. (2022, June 18). Trends & Outcomes in Shoulder Arthroplasty at a High-Volume, Single-Institution Center. [Poster presented]. Michigan Orthopedic Research Society 2022 Annual Meeting/Mackinac Island, MI, USA.
Gannon J.F., Arveschoug A., Cavinatto L.M. (2021, December 01). Comparison of Trends & Outcomes in Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. [Poster presented]. Orthopedic Surgery Research Symposium, 2021/Auburn Hills, MI, USA.
Brianna Gibney
Googling Depression: A Critical Appraisal of Online Health Information, Brianna Gibney, Misa Mi, May 7th 2021, Annual Graduate Student Research Conference at Oakland University, Virtual, MI, USA
Rohun Gupta
Oakland University Graduate School Conference
NASPGHAN Conference
Eric James
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship, Manuscript of the Year 1st Runner-Up 2022. James, E., Moccia, J.M., & Lucia, V. Chief Complaint and Geriatric Depression: Assessing Risk for 30- and 90-day Readmission.
James, E., Moccia, J.M., & Lucia, V. Chief Complaint and Geriatric Depression: Assessing Risk for 30- and 90-day Readmission. Graduate Student Research Conference at Oakland University. Status: Abstract Submitted for Poster Presentation
James, E., Moccia, J.M., & Lucia, V. What is the Impact of Geriatric Depression and Chief Complaint on the Risk for 30- and 90-day Readmission? The Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine. Status: Manuscript Submitted for Publication
James, E., Moccia, J.M., Lucia, V. (May 2022) Chief Complaint and Geriatric Depression in the Emergency Department: Assessing Risk for 30- and 90-Day Readmission. 5th Annual Beaumont Emergency Medicine Academic Symposium. Oral Presentation
Nayiri Khatchadourian
Physicians’ Knowledge and Attitudes of Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Patients with Diabetes. Nayiri Khatchadourian, Michael Brennan, Lowell Schmeltz, Virginia Uhley. American Diabetes Association’s 82nd Scientific Session—Invited Poster Presentation. June 4, 2022
Podcast Episode: The Emily Program; Episode 73: Diabetes and Eating Disorders with Dr. Jaime Taylor and Nayiri Khatchadourian; June 6, 2022. http://www.emilyprogram.com/blog/episode-73-diabetes-and-eating- disorders-with-dr-jaime-taylor-and-nayiri-khatchadourian/
Physicians’ Knowledge and Attitudes of Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Patients with Diabetes. Nayiri Khatchadourian, Michael Brennan, Lowell Schmeltz, Virginia Uhley. Michigan Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Spring Conference Poster Session—Invited Oral Presentation. May 2021
Nayiri Khatchadourian, Lowell Schmeltz, Virginia Uhley, Michael R. Brennan; 642-P: Physicians' Knowledge and Attitudes of Disordered Eating Behaviors among Patients with Diabetes. Diabetes 1 June 2022; 71 (Supplement_1): 642–P.
Christopher Issa
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. Comparing Plastic Surgeon Operative Time for Deep Inferior Perforator (DIEP) Flap Breast Reconstruction: Two-Stage More Efficient than One-Stage?
Andrew Lee
Lee, A., Joseph, S.. (2022, March 30). Impact of Earlier Ophthalmology Clerkships on Medical Student Match Rates in Ophthalmology. [Poster presented]. 2022 CGEA Regional Meeting/Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Lee, A., Joseph, S. (May, 2022) Impact of Earlier Ophthalmology Clerkships on Medical Student Match Rates in Ophthalmology. William Davidson Medical Education Week. Rochester, MI, USA
Flora Martz
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. Outbreak Risks at Religious Schools: Prevalence of Nonmedical Vaccination Exemptions Among Michigan Kindergartens.
Claire McNary
McNary, C.M., Rohn, E.J. (2022, March). Impact of Imposter Phenomenon on Medical Learners and Clinicians: A Scoping Review. Poster presented at: 7th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference; Rochester, MI, USA.
McNary, C.M., Rohn, E.J. (2022, May). Impact of Imposter Phenomenon on Medical Learners and Clinicians: A Scoping Review. Poster presented at: 11th Annual William Davidson Medical Education Week; Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Newman Family Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. Impact of Imposter Phenomenon of Medical Learners and Clinicians: A Scoping Review.
Nicholas Mielke
Mielke N, Johnson S, Karabon P, Bahl A. A prospective sonographic evaluation of peripheral intravenous catheter associated thrombophlebitis. J Vasc Access. 2022;23(5):754-763. doi:10.1177/11297298211009019
Bahl A, Johnson S, Mielke N, Karabon P. Early recognition of peripheral intravenous catheter failure using serial ultrasonographic assessments. PLoS One. 2021;16(6):e0253243. Published 2021 Jun 16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253243
Bahl A, Mielke N, Johnson S. Reliability and compliance of peripheral intravenous catheter documentation: A prospective observational study [published online ahead of print, 2022 May 16]. J Vasc Access. 2022;11297298221097555. doi:10.1177/11297298221097555
Best Medical Student Podium Presentation, Beaumont Health 5th Annual EM Resident and Fellow Research Symposium, Royal Oak, MI, May 2022
Best Medical Student Podium Presentation, Beaumont Health 4th Annual EM Resident and Fellow Research Symposium, Royal Oak, MI, May 2021
Best Presentation, Lightning Round, Beaumont Health 4th Annual EM Resident and Fellow Research Symposium, Royal Oak, MI, May 2021
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. A Prospective Sonographic Evaluation of Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Associated Thrombophlebitis
Han Ngo
Ngo, H. G. (Presenter), Nair, G. B., & Al-Katib, S. (2022, March 11). Impact of a Structured Reporting Template on the Quality of HRCT Radiology Reports for Interstitial Lung Disease [Poster presented]. 7th Annual Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference/Rochester Hills, MI, USA.
Ngo, H. G., Walker, D. T. (Presenter), Nair, G. B., & Al-Katib, S. (2022, March 22). Impact of a Structured Reporting Template on the Quality of HRCT Radiology Reports for Interstitial Lung Disease [Poster presented]. Association of University Radiologists 70th Annual Meeting/Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Ngo, H. G., Nair, G. B., & Al-Katib, S. Impact of a Structured Reporting Template on the Quality of HRCT Radiology Reports for Interstitial Lung Disease. Clinical Imaging. Vol 97, p78-83, May 2023.
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Competitive Scholarship Manuscript of the Year Honorable Mention 2022. Impact of a Structured Recording Template on the Quality of HRCT Radiology Reports for Interstitial Lung Disease.
Mary Nowlen
Nowlen, M. A., & Thrasher, G. (2021, May 19). The Effects of APM on Medical Student Feelings of Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. [Poster presented]. Oakland University William Beaumont SOM Medical Education Week/Rochester, MI, USA.
Nowlen, M. A., & Thrasher, G. (2022, March 11). Motivation in Medical Education: Effects of a Clinical Skills Course on Medical Student Motivation. [Poster presented]. Oakland University Graduate Student Conference/Rochester, MI, USA.
Nisha Patel
Patel N, Kelekar A. Evaluation of Pre-clerkship Ultrasound Curriculum. Poster presented at: Michigan Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage Conference; 2019 April 28; Troy, MI.
Patel N, Kelekar A. Development and Evaluation of a Peer Education-Based Ultrasound Curriculum with Emphasis on Clinical Reasoning. Poster presented at: 2019 APDIM Fall Meeting, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine; 2019 October 18; Denver, CO.
Patel N, Kelekar A. Development and Evaluation of a Peer Education-Based Ultrasound Curriculum with Emphasis on Clinical Reasoning. Poster presented at: Annual Integrative Ultrasound Meeting 2020; 2020 March 21; New York, NY.
Patel N, Kelekar A. Development and Evaluation of a Peer Education-Based Ultrasound Curriculum with Emphasis on Clinical Reasoning. Poster presented at: William Davidson Medical Education Week 2020; 2020 May 13; Royal Oak, MI.
Patel N, Blumline J, Nelson L, Kelekar A. A Covid-Friendly Point-of-Care Ultrasonography (POCUS) Education Program in a Pre-clerkship Clinical Skills Course with Emphasis on Self-directed Learning. Poster presented at: Annual Integrative Ultrasound Meeting 2022; 2022 Mar 12-16; San Diego, CA.
Mitchell Pfennig
Pfennig, M., Astolfi, M., Vasilfeff, C., & Hinckel, B.. (2021, December 01). Assessment of Radiographic features in Predicting Complete Quadriceps and Complete Patellar Tendon Ruptures in The Pre-Operative Setting [Poster presented]. OUWB Michigan Orthopedic Surgery Research Symposium/Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Pfennig, M., Astolfi, M., Vasilfeff, C., & Hinckel, B.. (2022, June 18). Assessment of Radiographic features in Predicting Complete Quadriceps and Complete Patellar Tendon Ruptures in Pre-Operative Setting [Oral Presentation]. Michigan Orthopaedic Society - 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting/Mackinac Island, MI, USA.
Luu Pham
Frailty among Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Recipients: Epidemiology and Propensity Score Weighted Analysis of Impact on In-hospital Postoperative Outcomes. Abdul K Zalikha; Luu Pham; Jacob Keeley; Inaya Hajj Hussein; Mouhanad M El-Othmani. Journal of the AAOS.
Skyler Porcaro
Porcaro, S., & Haworth, J. (2021, December 01). Hip osteoarthritis pain has specific deleterious effects on postural sway control [Poster presented]. 1st Annual Orthopedic Surgery Research Symposium/Auburn Hills, MI, USA.
Porcaro, S., & Haworth, J. (2021, December 01). Hip osteoarthritis pain has specific deleterious effects on postural sway control. Published Abstract. 1st Annual Orthopedic Surgery Research Symposium/Auburn Hills, MI, USA.
Dalia Rahmon
William Davidson Medical Education Week Poster Presentation 2022. Cannabis Use Disorder in the Setting of Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Understanding the Epidemiology, Demographic Characteristics, and Inpatient Postoperative Outcomes.
Zalikah AK, Rahmon D, Mazur M, Hajj-Hussein I, El-Othmani MM. Cannabis Use Disorder in the Setting of Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: Understanding the Epidemiology, Demographic Characteristics, and Inpatient Postoperative Outcomes. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2022 Apr 1;30(7):321-328. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-21-00976.
Richard Ramirez
Ramirez R and Sims M. Combining DRIP Score and Rapid Diagnostics for Improved Antibiotic. IDWeek 2022, October 19 - 23, 2022,Washington, DC.
Richard Ramirez MS-IV, Carmen DeMarco MD, Alemu Fite PhD, Chen Shen PhD, Lili Zhao PhD and Matthew Sims, MD PhD. Combining DRIP Score and Rapid Diagnostics for Improved Antibiotic Stewardship. Michigan Infectious Diseases Society Annual Research Meeting 2023, April 22, 2023, Lansing, MI – Awarded Best Oral Presentation
Dana Rector
D Rector and ZA Savasan MD (2022). Gestational Weight Gain and the Associated Perinatal Outcomes in Middle Eastern Women. Poster presented at the Graduate Student Research Conference at OUWB
Abiba Salahou
Evaluating Emotional Distress Among Michigan Food Insecure Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic. A. Salahou, D. Hurse, PhD; J. Grogan, PhD. Poster presented at the 2022 American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter (ACP) Conference (May 13, 2022); Dearborn, MI, USA.
Evaluating Emotional Distress Among Michigan Food Insecure Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic. A. Salahou, BA, D. Hurse, PhD, J. Grogan, PhD. Poster presented at the Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN) National Conference (May 2022).
Elizabeth Seeley
Madanat L, Seeley E, Shah K, Haines D, Mehta N. Changes in Baseline EKG and Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Parameters Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2022 March, 79 (9_Supplement) 224. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(22)01215-3
Madanat L, Shah K, Seeley E, Haines D, Mehta N. The Impact of Device Type and Valve Type on Mortality in Patients with Pre-existing Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2022 March, 79 (9_Supplement) 923. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(22)01914-3
Madanat L, Seeley E, Shah K, Haines D, Mehta N. Effect of Amiodarone Use in Patients with Pre-existing Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2022 March, 79 (9_Supplement) 208. http://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(22)01199-8
Madanat L, Seeley E, Shah K, Mando R, Hanson I, Abbas A, Renard B, Haines D.E., Mehta N. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement: does timing of cardiac implantable electronic device implantation impact mortality? [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jun 27]. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology. 2022;10.1007/s10840-022-01286-x. doi:10.1007/s10840-022-01286-x
Brittany Silverman
Zureick, A.H., Grzywacz, V.P., Almahariq, M.F., Silverman, B.R., Vayntraub, A., Chen, P.Y., Gustafson, G.S., Jawad, M.S., & Dilworth, J.T. (2022, Sep). Dose to the left anterior descending artery correlates with cardiac events after irradiation for breast cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 114(1), 130-139.
Christian Skowronski
Skowronski C, Shanholtzer A, Yelton B, Almahariq M, Krauss DJ. Influence of Pretreatment Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Local Therapy Decisions in Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients. Poster presented at: Biomarkers and Radiology in Cancer; 2023 August 10-11; New York, United States.
Ameen Suhrawardy
Podium presentation at Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI, June 2022.
Poster presentation at American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2023 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2023.