Welcome to the Class of 2022 Embark Capstone Colloquium!
Welcome to our digital celebration of the Class of 2022’s Embark Program Projects! The graduating students have prepared final abstracts and posters to present their amazing projects. We are so proud of all of their accomplishments, and truly look forward to seeing how they use their research skills as they Embark on their careers.
Thank you to all the mentors and co-mentors who have worked with our students on these impressive projects. We appreciate all of your time and effort!
Please join us in congratulating the Class of 2022 on an such amazing work in all of their research project areas. We hope you enjoy their Embark Project Abstracts and Colloquium Poster presentations. Additionally, you will find details of the Class of 2022’s scholarly achievements related to their Embark projects and Embark Program Award Winners.
Congratulations Class of 2022!
A Message from the Dean
Dear OUWB Community,
Welcome to the Embark Capstone Colloquium digital presentation where the Class of 2022 showcases the efforts of their wide-ranging research projects. The content you will find on these pages is the culmination of a four-year long journey; one that is guided by Embark mentors – basic science and clinical faculty members – who take time from their responsibilities to work with our students. We thank these mentors for their realization that working with our students is a fundamental contribution to the future of OUWB and its graduates; we value their commitment to our students’ success.
OUWB’s Embark Program offers medical students the potential to achieve scientific or social impact through their findings, and to foster an appreciation for self-directed learning. We congratulate each member of the Class of 2022 for completing their projects. We truly hope this experience inspires a desire to continue exploring the endless research possibilities that await them as they embark on their careers as physicians.
Duane Mezwa, M.D., FACR
Stephan Sharf Dean, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Linzi Hobbs
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Manuscript of the Year Award
Rachel Harvey
Ann V. Nicholson Embark Program Manuscript of the Year Award 1st Runner up
Alexander Balinski
Kenneth J. Matzick Embark Program Manuscript of the Year 2nd Runner Up
Amy Cox
Ravitz Foundation Embark Program Manuscript of the Year Award Honorable Mention
Collin Walentine
Newman Family Foundation Embark Competitive Scholarship Award
Aimee Hite
Ravitz Foundation Embark Competitive Scholarship Award
Anet Szatkowski
Ravitz Foundation Embark Competitive Scholarship Award
The Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine is grateful to the following supporters for funding the capstone program: Kenneth J. Matzick, Ann V. Nicholson, The Ravitz Foundation, and the Newman Family Foundation.
Hassan Akram
Akram H*, Johnson P., Mathew T. (*Presenter). (2021, July 19). Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination uptake in HIV patients: challenges during COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan, USA [Poster presented]. 11th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2021)/Berlin, DEU.
Akram, H.*, Mathew, T., & Johnson, P. (*Presenter). (2021, September 27). Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination uptake in HIV patients: challenges during COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan, USA [Oral Presentation]. American College of Physician Michigan Chapter/Troy, MI, USA.
Akram H., Johnson P., Mathew T. (2021, July 19). Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination uptake in HIV patients: challenges during COVID-19 pandemic in Michigan, USA. http://ias2021.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/IAS2021_Abstracts_web.pdf
Alexander Balinski
Balinski AM, Karabon P, Pathangey G, Abbas AE. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Temporal Trends: Procedural Volume Impact on Length of Stay and Readmissions. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;75(11):1268. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(20)31895-7.
Abstract presented at the American College of Cardiology 69th Annual Scientific Session & Expo 2020, Virtual Conference, Mar 2020.
Amy Cox
Cox, A., Loftus, S.. (2021, Sep). 2021 AMA Research Challenge: The Impact of Previous Healthcare Experience on the Practice of Medicine. The Impact of Previous Healthcare Experience on the Practice of Medicine.
Virtual Conference
Naveena Daram
Naveena Daram, B.S.; Sangeeta Kaur, M.D. Identifying discrepancies in diagnosis of PCOS with use of different diagnostic criteria. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters (MASAL) Conference, March 12, 2021.
Antonio Dekhou
Dekhou, A.S., Morrison, R.J., Gemechu, J.M. (2021, Jul). The Superior Laryngeal Nerve and Its Vulnerability in Surgeries of the Neck. Diagnostics, 11(7), 1243. PMID: 34359326.
Dekhou, A., Gemechu, J. (2020, March 03). The Superior Laryngeal Nerve and its Vulnerability in Surgeries of the Neck [Poster presented]. 5th Annual Robert J. Lucas Surgical Society Research Symposium, Beaumont Health/Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Dekhou, A., Gemechu, J. (2020, April 05). The Superior Laryngeal Nerve and its Vulnerability in Surgeries of the Neck [Poster presented]. 2020 Experimental Biology (Canceled: COVID-19)/San Diego, CA, USA.
Brett Friedman
Friedman BJ, Lau WC, & Karabon P. Intraoperative MAP, Vasopressors, and Opioids in TF-TAVR patients undergoing Conscious Sedation vs General Anesthesia. Oral Presentation at: Robert J Lucas Surgical Symposium; March 9, 2021; Rochester, MI. Second place award winner.
Christian Fritz
Bojrab DI 2nd, Fritz CG, Lin KF, Schutt CA, Hong RS, Babu SC, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab DI. (2021, Jan). Fundal Fluid Cap Is Associated With Hearing Preservation in the Radiosurgical Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma. Otology & Neurotology, 42(1), 137-144. PMID: 33055496.
Bojrab DI 2nd, Fritz CG, Lin KF, Schutt CA, Hong RS, Babu SC, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab DI. (2021, Feb). A Protective Cap: Fundal Fluid Cap Facilitates a Reduction in Inner Ear Radiation Dose in the Radiosurgical Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma. Otology & Neurotology, 42(2), 294-299. PMID: 33443360.
Bojrab DI 2nd, Fritz CG, Lin KF, Schutt CA, Hong RS, Babu SC, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab DI. (2021, Jul). Pre-existing Vestibular Symptoms Are Associated With Acute Vestibular Symptoms After Gamma Knife Therapy for Vestibular Schwannoma. Otology & Neurotology, 42(6), 912-917. PMID: 33591068.
Fritz CG, Bojrab DI 2nd, Tu N, Schutt CA, Bojrab DB, Babu SC. (2021, October 03). Hearing Durability and Trajectory after Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma [Poster presented]. American Academy of Otolaryngology– Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2021 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience/Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Bojrab DI 2nd, Fritz CG, Lin KF, Schutt CA, Hong RS, Babu SC, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab DI. (2020, February 07). Fundal fluid cap is associated with short term hearing preservation in the radiosurgical treatment of vestibular schwannoma [Oral Presentation]. Annual North American Skull Base Society Meeting/San Antonio, TX, USA.
Bojrab DI 2nd, Fritz CG, Lin KF, Schutt CA, Hong RS, Babu SC, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab DI. (2020, April 26). A Protective Cap: Fundal Fluid Cap Predicts Inner Ear Radiation Dose in Radiosurgical Treatment of Vestibular Schwannoma. [Oral Presentation]. American Neurotology Society Annual Spring Meeting/Atlanta, GA, USA.
Bojrab DI 2nd, Fritz CG, Lin KF, Schutt CA, Hong RS, Babu SC, Chen PY, Maitz A, Bojrab DI. (2020, April 26). Pre-existing Vestibular Symptoms Are Associated Acute Vestibular Symptoms after Gamma Knife Therapy for Vestibular Schwannoma [Oral Presentation]. American Neurotology Society Annual Spring Meeting/Atlanta, GA, USA
Noah Garber
Garber, N., Kozak, A., Uhley, V. Undergraduate Students Are Not Wooed by Fad Diets. Poster presented at: Nutrition 2021 Live Online Conference; June 7-10, 2021.
Garber, N., Kozak, A., Uhley, V. (2021, Jun). Undergraduate Students Are Not Wooed by Fad Diets. Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(2), 126.
Tanya Gonzalez
Gonzalez, T. N., Mongene, N. G., & Parkhill, M. R. (April, 2021). Barriers to health care mediate the relationship between trauma and health related quality of life in Native Americans. Poster presented at ResilienceCon 2021, Nashville, TN.
Dakota Hall
Hall DJ, LaBlance S, Todd B. The current state of diagnostic error education in US medical schools. Poster presented at Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine's 14th International Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference. October 26, 2021. Virtual.
Rachel Harvey
Harey, R., Studzinski, D., Akay, B., Brahmamdam, P.. (2021, May 12). Physician Directed vs. Self-Directed Activity Restrictions in Children After Routine Pediatric Surgery: A Prospective Study [Oral Presentation]. Michigan Chapter American College of Surgeons Meeting (Virtual)/Boyne City, MI, USA.
Harvey, R., Studzinski, D., England, A., Morden, R., Novotny, N., Stallion, A., Akay, B., Brahmamdam, P.. (2022, May). Let Them Play: A Prospective Study of Postoperative Activity Restrictions in Children [Oral Presentation]. American Pediatric Surgical Association Meeting (APSA)/ San Diego, CA, USA.
Anisah Hashmi
Hashmi, AK. Pollak, AM. Ludwig, L. Mychaliska, KP. Rubenstein, MB. Adeyemo, O. Shubeck, S. Qu, L. Coffey, M. (October 2021) Effect of SARS-COV2 on Adolescent PHQ-9 Screening Result. Poster presented at: Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, Virtual
Alyssa Heintschel
Heintschel, A.R., Sabbagh, S., Herndon, P., Moussa, M., & Lerman, R.. (2021, July 06). Exploring the Effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on Pre-Clinical Medical Students: A Qualitative Methods, Longitudinal Pilot Study [Poster presented]. The International Conference on Mindfulness/Aarhus, DNK.
Patrick Herndon
Herndon, P., Moussa, M., Heintschel, A., Sabbagh, S.. (2021, October 21). Investigating the Effectiveness of a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course Within Healthcare [Poster presented]. American Medical Association Research Challenge/Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Heintschel, A., Sabbagh, S., Herndon, P., Moussa, M., & Lerman, R.. (2021, July 05). Exploring the Effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on Pre-Clinical Medical Students: A Qualitative Methods, Longitudinal Pilot Study [Poster presented]. International
Conference for Mindfulness/Aarhus, DNK.
Aimee Hite
Hite, Aimee; Alpiner, Neal, Reporting of Concussion Symptoms in High School Aged Athletes. Poster presented at the AAPM&R Annual Assembly 2021, Nashville, Tennessee
Linzi Hobbs
Recipient of ASH Hematology Opportunities for the Next Generation of Research Scientist Award (HONORS), 2020. Project title: Pregnancy Increases Platelet Reactivity and Induces a Thrombogenic Platelet Transcriptome Profile in Mice
Hobbs, L.M., Brake, M.A., Redshaw, D.R., Barbarick, L., Hobbs, K.A., Cleuren, A.C., Rodionov, R., & Westrick, R.J. (2020,December 06). Pregnancy alters platelet counts and enhances platelet reactivity in mice [Poster presented]. American Society of Hematology 64th Annual Meeting and Exposition/Virtual; Recipient of ASH Abstract Award, 2020
Hobbs, L.M., Brake, M.A., Redshaw, D.R., Barbarich, L., Hobbs, K.A., Cleuren, A.C., Rodionov, R., & Westrick, R.J. (2020, Nov). Pregnancy alters platelet counts and enhances platelet reactivity in mice. Blood, 136(1), 4.
Bailey Hull
Hull B, Karabon P, Alpiner N. Insufficient Sleep Following Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Correlates With Neurocognitive Dysfunction. Neurology. 2022 Jan 4;98(1 Supplement 1):S1. PMID: 34969876.
Hull, B.. (2021, July). Insufficient Sleep Following Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Correlates With Neurocognitive Dysfunction [Oral Presentation]. Sports Concussion Virtual Conference/Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Hull, B., Karabon, P., & Alpiner, N.. (2021, October). Insufficient Sleep Following Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Correlates With Neurocognitive Dysfunction. Neurology.
Stephanie Jo
Jo, S.Y., Golembieski, A., Baxa, D.. (2022, February). Using Next Generation Sequencing to Detect Genes Related to Cancer in Women With HIV. [Poster presented]. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Denver, CO.
Michel Kabbash
Kabbash, M., & Gemechu, J.. (2020, June 15). The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and Its Vulnerability in Thyroid Surgeries [Poster presented]. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists/New York, NY, USA.
Kabbash, M., & Gemechu, J. . (2020, Oct). The Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and Its Vulnerability in Thyroid Surgeries . Journal of Clinical Anatomy , 34(7), 1-53. PMID: 33049083.
Rachel Kalthoff
Kalthoff, R., Boudiab, E., Studzinski, D., Novotny, N., Brahmamdam, P., Akay, B., “Clearance of the Cervical Spine in Obtunded Pediatric Blunt Trauma Patients: Quality Assessment of an Existing Clearance Pathway,” Poster presented at the 2021 America College of Surgeons, Quality and Safety Conference, Virtual, July, 2021.
Kalthoff, R., Boudiab, E., Studzinski, D., Novotny, N., Brahmamdam, P., Akay, B., “Clearance of the Cervical Spine in Obtunded Pediatric Blunt Trauma Patients: Quality Assessment of an Existing Clearance Pathway,” Oral Presentation at the 2021 Pediatric Trauma Society conference, November 2021.
Lior Kopel
Lior Kopel, Begum Akay, Pavan Brahmamdam. (2021, March 09). Perioperative Antibiotic Use in Neonatal Surgery [Poster presented]. Robert J. Lucas Surgical Society Research Symposium/Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Lior Kopel, Patrick Karabon, Nathan Novotny, Begum Akay, Pavan Brahmamdam. (2021, Aug). Duration of Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Neonatal Surgery: Less is More. Academic Surgical Congress.
Lior Kopel, Patrick Karabon, Nathan Novotny, Begum Akay, Pavan Brahmamdam. (2021, Aug). Duration of Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Neonatal Surgery: Less is More. American Pediatric Surgical Association.
Sammie Lai
Sammie Lai, B.S., Patrick Karabon, M.S., Robert Morden, M.D., Begum Akay, M.D., Nathan Novotny, M.D., Anthony Stallion, M.D., Pavan Brahmamdam, M.D., M.S.. (2021, March 10). Blunt Trauma and Diaphragm Injury in Children: An Analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank [Poster presented]. Robert J. Lucas Annual Conference/Royal Oak, MI, USA.
Benjamin Malamet
Malamet, B.J., & Sims, M. (2020, Dec). Resistance in Gram-Negative Bacteria in the Pediatric Patient Population by Age and Sex. Open Forum Infectious Disease, 7(Suppl 1), S689.
Lucas Nelson
Todd B, Nelson L. The impact of medical scribes on emergency physician diagnostic testing and diagnosis charting. Diagnosis (Berl). 2021 Oct 25. doi: 10.1515/dx-2021-0099. PMID: 34689455.
Nelson L, Todd B. (2021, May). The Impact of Medical Scribes on Emergency Physician Diagnostic Testing and Diagnosis Charting. Oral presentation. Emergency Medicine Resident and Fellow Research Symposium, Beaumont, Royal Oak; Royal Oak, Michigan, USA.
Krupa Patel
Patel, K., & Karabon, P. (2021, October 21). Racial Differences in Breast Cancer Screening in the United States [Poster presented]. AMA Research Symposium /Chicago, IL, USA.
Ian Penvose
Gehrke, C.K., Penvose, I.R., Wright, J.O., Khatib, O.N., Wiater, J.M., Wiater, B.P., & Baker, E.A. (2019, October 17). Evaluation of Taper Fretting and Corrosion Damage in Retrieved Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Components [Poster presented]. Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Fall Education Meeting/Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
Gehrke, C.K., Penvose, I.R., Wright, J.O., Khatib, O.N., Wiater, J.M., Wiater, B.P., & Baker, E.A. (2020, February 08). Evaluation of Taper Fretting and Corrosion Damage in Retrieved Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Components [Poster presented]. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting/Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Wright, J.O., Penvose, I.R., Gehrke, C.K., Khatib, O.N., Wiater, J.M., Wiater, B.P., & Baker, E.A.. (2020, October 02). Evaluation of Taper Fretting and Corrosion Damage In Retrieved Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Components [Poster presented]. American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Annual Meeting/Tampa (Virtual - COVID), FL, USA.
Wright, J.O., Penvose, I.R., Gehrke, C.K., Khatib, O.N., Wiater, J.M., Wiater, B.P., & Baker, E.A. (2021, May). Taper Size and Component Engagement Affect Taper Junction Tribocorrosion in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
Nick Prewitt
Prewitt, N., Todd, B.R. (2021, May). Risk Factors Affecting Time to Diagnosis of Adult Acute Appendicitis. Poster presentation at Beaumont Health, Royal Oak, 4th Annual Emergency Medicine Academic Symposium, Royal Oak, MI.
Duyen Quach
Porter E.M., Myziuk N.K., Quinn T.J., Lozano D., Peterson A.B., Quach D.M., Siddiqui Z.A., Guerrero T.M.. (2021, Aug). Synthetic pulmonary perfusion images from 4DCT for functional avoidance using deep learning. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(17), 175005.
PMID: 34293726.
Rafey Rehman
Rehman R, Dekhou A, Osto M, Agemy J, Yuhan B, Thorpe E. (2021, April 11). Aneurysmal Bone Cysts of the Craniofacial Origin: A Systematic Review [Poster presented]. Triological Society Virtual Annual Meeting at the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings/Virtual, IL, USA.
Kevin Roby
Kevin Roby, Catherine Barkach, Diane Studzinski, Nathan Novotny, Begum Akay, Pavan Brahmamdam. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum in Children is Not Associated with Esophageal Perforation. Poster presentation at American Pediatric Surgical Association, San Diego, CA, May 2022
Ryan Rogers
Rogers, R., Rangarajan, T., Uhley, V., Ivan, K., & Zakalik, D.. Dietary Supplement Use Among BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers [Poster presented]. 2021, December 10. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium/San Antonio, TX, USA
Saad Saadat
Hazy, A., Saadat, S., Krauss, D.J., Dilworth, J.T., Stevens, C.W., Dixon, S., Safian, R.D., Lee, K.C. “Clinical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Coronary Brachytherapy for Restenosis of Coronary Vessels Previously Treated with Drug Eluting Stents” Abstract of paper, American Society for Radiation Oncology Meeting 2021, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Jeremy Santamaria
Y. Zafar, A. Javed, K. M. Malik, J. Santamaria and G. Malik, "A Diagnostic System for Intracranial Saccular and Fusiform Aneurysms with Location Detection," 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2021, pp. 1-4,
Tyler Sargent
Sargent, T. Smith, J. Smith, C. Krauss, J. Spicuzzi, C. Balbach, M. Thomas, J. Berres, A. Jankowski, M. Wiater, J. Defining Functional Shoulder Range of Motion in Middle-Aged to Elderly Populations to Guide Operative Shoulder Treatment. Poster Presentation for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery Annual Meeting. September 4, 2021
Sargent, T. Smith, J. Smith, C. Krauss, J. Spicuzzi, C. Balbach, M. Thomas, J. Berres, A. Jankowski, M. Wiater, J. Defining Functional Shoulder Range of Motion in Middle-Aged to Elderly Populations to Guide Operative Shoulder Treatment. Poster Presentation for the Michigan Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. June 10, 2020.
Cristian Solano
Sala I.M., Maurer B., Solano C., Levitin R., & Guerrero T.M.. (2020, Nov). Fluoroscopic Demonstration of Thoracic Tumor Immobilization with High Frequency Percussive Ventilation. Global Journal of Cancer Case Reports, 1(2), 1-6.
Jaemin Song
Song, J., Chen, N., & Swor, R.. (2020, November 14). Post-Cardiac Arrest Care Variations in Michigan Hospitals and Their Impact on
Survival [Poster presented]. Resuscitation Science Symposium/Dallas, TX, USA.
Swor, R.A., Chen, N., Song, J., Paxton, J.H., Berger, D.A., Miller, J.B., Pribble, J., & Reynolds, J.C.. (2021, Aug). Hospital length of stay, do not resuscitate orders, and survival for post-cardiac arrest patients in Michigan: A study for the CARES Surveillance Group. Resuscitation, 165(ePub ahead of Print), 119-126. PMID: 34166745.
Michael Sun
Sun M, Dailey W, Felisky J, Moyer K, Haque N, Guzman A, Mellert K, Drenser K, Mitton, K. (2021, May). Custom Ampliseq Targeted Sequencing Panel for Orphan Pediatric Retinal Diseases: Norrie Disease, FEVR, Retinoschisis. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Virtual.
Mitton K, Dailey W, Sun M, Felisky J, Moyer K, Haque N, Guzman A, Mellert K, Drenser K. (2020, May). K. Low-cost DNA-sequencing of orphan pediatric retinal diseases using custom Ampliseq Gene panels. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Baltimore, MD.
Ben Travers
Travers B., Dearden R., Jones S., Opsommer M. Case Report of the Unusual Presentation of Stridor in an Elderly Patient Following a Cervical Fracture. JETem. 2020. 5(1):V15-19. http://doi.org/10.21980/J8V926
Travers B., Jones S., Bastani A., Opsommer M., Beydoun A., Karabon P., Donaldson D. (May 2020). Assessing Geriatric Patients in the Emergency Department Using A New Trauma Protocol. Virtual Oral Presentation presented at: Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Virtual Meeting
Travers B., Jones S., Bastani A., Opsommer M., Beydoun A., Karabon P., Donaldson D. Assessing Geriatric Patients in the Emergency Department Using A New Trauma Protocol. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021. 45:149-153. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajem.2020.11.027
Josh Volin
J. Volin, P. Herndon, K. Nacker, M. Jankowski, J. Hafron. “Evaluating the Efficacy of the TrenGuard™ Trendelenburg Patient Restraint Compared to Standard Patient Restraint During Extreme Trendelenburg Position During Robotic Procedures.” Royal Oak, MI. Graduate Student Research Conference 2021.
J. Volin, J. Hafron. “Evaluation of Trenguard Patient Positioning Device for Trendelenburg Positioning During Robotic Surgery”. Poster Presentation sponsored by Robert J. Lucas Surgical Society. Royal Oak, MI. March, 2019.
Muhammad Waheed
Ramy Mando, Muhammad Waheed, Adrian Michel, Patrick Karabon & Alexandra Halalau (2021) Prediabetes as a risk factor for major adverse cardiovascular events, Annals of Medicine, 53:1, 2090-2098, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2021.2000633
Waheed, MA., Halalau, A. and Mando, R., 2019. Outcomes of Patients with Prediabetes. In: American College of Physicians Michigan Chapter Scientific Meeting. [online] American College of Physicians, p.29.
Adrian M, Ramy M, Muhammad W, Alexandra H, Patrick K. Prediabetes Associated With An Increase In Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18_Supplement_2):14. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(21)01357-7
Ramy M, Adrian M, Muhammad W, Patrick K, Alexandra H. Is Prediabetes Too Late? Normalization Of Hemoglobin A1c In Prediabetes Is Not Associated With Improved Outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(18_Supplement_1):1603. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(21)02960-0
Collin Walentine
Walentine, C.R., Brennan, M.R., Cree-Green, M., Nadeau, K.J. (2020, July 27). Incidence of early cardiovascular disease in youth with polycystic ovary syndrome [Poster presented]. 4th Annual Pediatric Endocrine Resarch Day/Aurora, CO, USA.
Melany Wiczorek
Wiczorek, M.J. (2020, October). Outcomes for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease Receiving Fluid Resuscitation for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock. [Poster Presentation]. ACEP 2020: Unconventional, Virtual.
Stephanie Wong
Wong, S., & Alpay Savasan Z. Effectiveness of Prenatal Screening Tests on Predicting Cardiac Abnormalities. Oral presentation at: Oakland University Graduate Research Symposium; May 7, 2021; Rochester, MI.
Wong, S., & Alpay Savasan Z. Effectiveness of Prenatal Screening Tests on Predicting Cardiac Abnormalities. Poster presentation at: ACP Michigan Chapter Residents Day/Medical Students Day Meeting; May 7, 2021; Troy, MI.
Emily Yuen
Yuen, E.W., Huetteman H.E., Korneder, J, Wasserman, J.A., Dereski, M.O. Gauging the Impact of Interactions with Autistic Children Early in Medical Education [abstract]. In: Poster Presentations Abstracts, 24th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, June 15-18, 2020. Med.Sci.Educ. 30, 52 (2020). http://doi.org/10.1007/s40670-020-01154-1.